The science behind LeanShake as an effective meal replacement

We live in a society where losing weight isn’t that easy. Most of us work from a desk, or now at home, that keeps us sitting down for one third of the day. Couple this with how modern food is produced, stored and cooked, and it’s no wonder losing pounds (and keeping them off) is a constant challenge for many people.
Meal replacement shakes haven’t always had the best reputation as many brands focused on taste, before nutrition. Zinzino’s LeanShake proves you can have both.
For balanced nutrition and weight control, LeanShake is an effective meal replacement option. For people looking to lose weight1, replace two meals with LeanShake. For healthy weight maintenance, use LeanShake for one meal. And if fitness and muscle development2 is the goal, take once or twice a day, before or after your workout.
For those who tend to eat smaller meals, LeanShake can sustain hunger satisfaction in between.
Lose weight, gain muscle (and ‘good’ gut bacteria)
It’s a delicious (yes, delicious) meal replacement designed for weight loss1, by substituting two meals of an energy-restricted meal plan. It supports muscle development2, thanks to Zinzino’s signature protein mix.
LeanShake also balances the microbiota for gut health. It features the dietary fiber blend in ZinoBiotic+, which supports the growth of ‘good’ bacteria in the colon. LeanShake intuitively ‘feeds’ this microbiota to make up a higher percentage of the population. The strength of LeanShake (and ZinoBiotic+) is the way it stimulates the growth of “good” bacteria in the entire colon. The “good guys” help ferment fibers, produce vitamins, and educate the immune system.
Reducing the amount of processed and ultra-processed foods high in sugar and fat can contribute to better gut health. Additionally, eating a wide range of plant-based foods is important for overall health. Aim for a diet high in fibers3 to support your gut microbiome.
LeanShake has a low glycemic load (GL), deriving its flavor from natural sources like honey powders and Stevia. LeanShake gives the body an intelligent mix of proteins, fibers fatty acids, as well as the 25+ vitamins and minerals it needs for weight loss and training – all in a 231-calorie serving.
Proteins, fibers & fatty acids – no-milk meal replacement shake options available
LeanShake Strawberry and Chocolate feature whey protein isolate and milk protein concentrate, both high in essential amino acids. Proteins don’t only support muscle development2, but also the maintenance of normal bones4. Speaking of protein, these two flavors have the best source of it found naturally in the body: collagen peptide. Whey and milk proteins further aid the body. The vegetarian milk-free options, Vanilla and Berry, leverage pea and oat proteins.
LeanShake’s smart blend of dietary fibers stimulate the growth and maintenance of the beneficial gut microbiota. The high fiber3 portion helps to increase fecal bulk. And Zinzino hasn’t missed an opportunity to further re-balance the Omega-6:3 ratio. LeanShake features alpha-linolenic acid and beta glucans, which help to maintain normal cholesterol level6 7
Get in shape, use LeanShake
Zinzino’s LeanShake meal replacement makes it possible to lose weight1, not nutrients. Just turn to the nutrient breakdown to see just how powerful LeanShake can be for your diet and training regime.
It’s a delicious meal replacement that will provide hunger satisfaction so it’s something to look forward to (and maintain).
Say cheers to good health and drink up this superfood blend. Ingredients like quinoa give it a creamy, smooth texture, while flavors like pineapple extract powder naturally sweeten it.
Click here for some delicious LeanShake recipes.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
1. Substituting two daily meals of an energy restricted diet with meal replacements
Náhrada dvoch jedál denne pri diéte so zníženým príjmom energie prispieva k chudnutiu. Aby bolo tvrdenie pravdivé, musí jedlo spĺňať špecifikácie stanovené v smernici 96/8/ES upravujúcej potravinové výrobky podľa článku 1 ods. 2 písm. b) tejto smernice. Aby bolo tvrdenie účinné, denne sa musia dve jedlá nahradiť náhradou stravy.
2. Protein contributes to a growth in muscle
Bielkoviny prispievajú k rastu svalovej hmoty. Bielkoviny prispievajú k udržiavaniu zdravých svalov. Toto tvrdenie platí iba pre potraviny, ktoré sú minimálne zdrojom bielkovín, ako sa uvádza v tvrdení ZDROJ BIELKOVÍN uvedenom v dodatku k nariadeniu (ES) č. 1924/2006.
6. ALA contributes to normal blood cholesterol levels
ALA prispievajú k udržaniu normálnej hladiny cholesterolu v krvi. Toto tvrdenie platí iba pre potraviny, ktoré sú minimálne zdrojom ALA, ako sa uvádza v tvrdení ZDROJ OMEGA-3 MASTNÝCH KYSELÍN uvedenom v dodatku k nariadeniu (ES) č. 1924/2006. Spotrebiteľovi musí byť poskytnutá informácia o tom, že k dosiahnutiu priaznivého účinku dochádza pri dennom príjme 2 g ALA.
7. Beta glucans blood cholesterol levels
Beta glukány prispievajú k udržaniu normálnej hladiny cholesterolu v krvi. Toto tvrdenie sa môže použiť len pri potravinách, ktoré obsahujú aspoň 1 g beta glukánov z ovsa, ovsených otrúb, jačmeňa, jačmenných otrúb alebo zo zmesí týchto zdrojov podľa kvantifikovaného pomeru. Aby bolo možné splniť požiadavky tohto tvrdenia, spotrebiteľovi musí byť poskytnutá informácia o tom, že priaznivý účinok nastane pri dennom príjme 3 g beta glukánov z ovsa, ovsených otrúb, jačmeňa, jačmenných otrúb alebo zo zmesí týchto beta glukánov.
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