Sinu ostukorv

HbA1c Test

Võtke oma tuleviku tervis enda kätesse juba täna.

Teadmistes peitub jõud. Võtke enda tervislik seisund luubi alla ja uurige välja, kas teie praegune elustiil on jätkusuutlik või peaksite pikaajalise tervise nimel midagi ette võtma. Määrame kindlaks teie pikaajalise veresuhkru taseme teie toitumise ja harjumuste kontekstis ning juhime teid heaolu poole. Test hõlmab elustiili hindamist ja isikupärastatud soovitusi toitumise, tegevuste ja treeningu kohta.  

Teie hind
52,00 € (Säästad 30 %) (3,00 cr)
74,00 €
Key Benefits
  • Measurement of long term blood sugar levels
  • Lifestyle assessment
  • Includes a type 2 diabetes risk assessment
  • Personal recommendations on how to improve your health status
  • Track your progress
  • Anonymous and clinically accurate test results from an independent and certified laboratory
Taking the test

1. Zinzino Test is an approved in vitro diagnostics product for personal blood sample collection at home. - First wash your hands with soap and rinse well with warm water and dry them.

2. Take out the sample card from the paper envelope. Save the envelope for later use. Tear off the SAVE part on the sample card and take a picture of the test ID. You can only see your test result with your anonymous test ID. Place the card with the two circles facing up on the table.

3. Stimulate blood flow by making big circles with your arm or shaking the hand downwards for 20 seconds.

4. Take out the single-use lancet. Remove the transparent safety cap and the lancet is ready to use. Use the alcohol wipe to clean the tip of your finger (middle finger is recommended). Place the lancet against the lower part of the fingertip facing the collection paper on the table. Push the top of the lancet towards the finger until you hear a click. The lancet will automatically make a small prick in the finger.

5. Do not touch the filter paper with your fingers.

6. Fill one circle at a time with blood. Squeeze your finger gently and wait for a drop of blood to fall inside the circle by itself. If one drop of blood does not cover the circle, allow one more drop from your finger to drip immediately. Leave the sample card in a horizontal position at room temperature for at least 10 minutes for the samples to dry well.

7. Insert the sample card back into the paper envelope. Then place the paper envelope into the metal bag and close it.

IMPORTANT:  Do not remove desiccant packet inside the metal bag.

8. Place the closed metal bag into the big envelope with the laboratory address on it. NOTE! You must put the correct amount of postage stamps on the envelope before you put in the mail box. Register your test code on This is the web page where you can see your test result later. It takes 10-20 days until your result is ready.

IMPORTANT:  Keep the SAVE part of the card. You can only see your test result with your anonymous test ID.

9. The next step is to answer the lifestyle questionnaire by logging in with you annonymous test-ID. To be able to answer all the questions you will need to have access to a meaurement tape, and previous Balance and/or Vitamin D test-IDs.

10. How to measure your waist: – Place a tape measure around your middle, just above the belly button. – Make sure it’s pulled tight, but isn’t digging into your skin. – Breathe out naturally and take your measurement. – Take your measurement again, just to be sure.

If you do not have a tape measure, use a lace as you would the tape measure and measure the lace with a yardstick.
The Zinzino HBA1C Test
The test is divided into two main parts. First, the actual measurement is performed using an easy at-home, laboratory analyzed self-test for analyzing the long-term blood sugar level (HbA1c) found in capillary blood obtained from a fingertip using the Dried Blood Spot (DBS) technique. This technique is science proven to be as accurate as a venous blood sample when the long-term blood sugar level is analyzed. All it requires is a few drops of blood on a Whatman filter paper and it takes less than a minute to complete. The blood will then be analyzed by VITAS Analytical Services in Norway, one of the world’s leading laboratories within the area. The result will be displayed, after about 10-20 days, on the website using your personal, anonymous test ID. This measurement provides vital information regarding your current body’s ability to control blood sugar, because knowing your current levels will empower you to make positive choices, and take positive actions. In order to know which actions to take, the second part of the test is a lifestyle assessment. When logging in with the test ID, you will be asked to fill out a detailed questionnaire to perform the lifestyle assessment. This will provide the context, because information without context is often meaningless. The Zinzino lifestyle assessment will enhance your understanding of yourself, your health status, how your current lifestyle is shaping your future health, and most importantly guide you towards a brighter and healthier you in the years to come. To do this we combine your test result with your lifestyle assessment and score you how your current lifestyle is supporting the following areas for you to track over time:

– Overall health status
– HbA1c test analysis
– Risk of developing type 2 diabetes (taken from validated risk assessment questions)
– Metabolism
– Immune function
– Brain function
– Gut function
– Bone & Joints
What we measure
The Hemoglobin A1c test that we are using to measure the long-term blood sugar level is a measurement of the amount of A1c hemoglobin proteins that have glucose attached. The higher the amount of blood glucose (blood sugar) on average, the more glucose there is attached. It is represented as a unit of measurement in mmol/mol (millimoles per mole) which has been the standard measurement for blood sugar levels since 2009. The result is then categorized in one of 4 different categories:

Normal range                    < 34 mmol/mol
Monitor closely range 34 – < 38 mmol/mol
Prediabetic range       38 – < 47 mmol/mol
Diabetic range                    > 47 mmol/mol

OBS!  When being in a normal or monitor closely HbA1c range, the validated risk assessment of developing type 2 diabetes is presented, whereas if the levels are in the prediabetic range or above, the risk assessment is not presented since it is already advised to warrant action.

Certified test kit
The Zinzino Dried Blood Spot Test is certified to comply with the European regulation 98/79/EB on in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices. This means the test and all its components are in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and so the Kit has the CE mark on it.
How does it work?

1. Take your test Start by simply pricking your finger and putting 1–2 drops of blood on a filter paper.

2. Activate your test Register your test by entering your test ID and filling out the lifestyle questionnaire. All data is anonymous.

3. Wait for the analysis Vitas Analytical Services has more than 25 years of experience with cutting-edge knowledge and technology, which guarantees that they analyze your sample independently and protect your privacy.

4. Get your results Your results are accessible and shown in our easy-to-understand graphics within 10-20 days.

5. Start your journey Benefit from a clear starting point for your journey to better health. Gently modify and/or maintain your dietary and lifestyle choices for better health for life.

6. Track your progress Long-term blood sugar is sensitive to choices you make with regards to diet and activity on a daily basis. Such that, your results will change based on the choices you make. We recommend that you actively monitor these values based on your personal test recommendations to ensure that the choices you are making are the best choices for your health.
Independent laboratory 
Vitas is a GMP-certified chemical analysis contract laboratory and recognized as a leading player within modern use of dried blood spot testing. They have 25+ years’ experience in providing high quality, custom chromatographic analytical service based on cutting-edge knowledge and technology. It originates from the Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, the largest department of nutrition in Europe.


Sinu teekond isikustatud heaolu suunas algab just siit! Test sinu oomega-3 profiili kindlaks määramiseks
129,00 € Teie hind
183,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)
Sinu teekond isikustatud heaolu suunas algab just siit! Test sinu oomega-3 profiili kindlaks määramiseks
178,00 € Teie hind
366,00 € Jaehind
(9,00 cr)
Enesetest d-vitamiini sisalduse analüüsimiseks veres
52,00 € Teie hind
74,00 € Jaehind
(3,00 cr)
Pikaajalise veresuhkru test ja elustiili hindamine
52,00 € Teie hind
74,00 € Jaehind
(3,00 cr)
Sisaldab rohkelt oomega-3 rasvhappeid (EPA + DHA), oliiviõli polüfenoole ja vitamiini D3. Reguleerib ja aitab hoida normis oomega-6 ja oomega-3 rasvhapete vahekorda sinu organismis.
41,00 € Teie hind
58,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Sisaldab rohkelt oomega-3 rasvhappeid (EPA + DHA), oliiviõli polüfenoole ja vitamiini D3. Reguleerib ohutult ja aitab hoida normis oomega-6 ja oomega-3 rasvhapete vahekorda sinu organismis.
17,00 € Teie hind
24,00 € Jaehind
(1,50 cr)
Sisaldab rohkelt oomega-3 rasvhappeid (EPA + DHA), oliiviõli polüfenoole ja vitamiini D3. Reguleerib ja aitab hoida normis oomega-6 ja oomega-3 rasvhapete vahekorda sinu organismis.
102,00 € Teie hind
144,00 € Jaehind
(6,00 cr)
Neli korda suurem polüfenoolisisaldus kui tavalisel BalanceOil+’il
61,00 € Teie hind
87,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)
Vees lahustuv BalanceOil. Sisaldab rohkelt oomega-3 rasvhappeid (EPA + DHA), oliiviõli polüfenoole ja vitamiini D3.
51,00 € Teie hind
72,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)
Vegan Omega-3, mis on valmistatud mikrovetikatest ning sisaldab rohkelt EPA-d, DHA-d, SDA-d ja GLA-d. Lisaks ka ooliiviõli polüfenoole, ussikeele seemneõli ja vitamiini D3.
77,00 € Teie hind
109,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)
Polüfenoolide ja oomega-rasvhapetega tasakaalustatud laste toidulisand
41,00 € Teie hind
58,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
See eriti puhas molekulaarselt testitud toidulisand polüfenool oomega Balance reguleerib ja säilitab oomega-6 ja oomega-3 vahekorda, kaitstes rakke vananemise (oksüdeerumise) eest ning toetades normaalset aju- ja südametalitlust ning immuunsüsteemi.
52,00 € Teie hind
74,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)
R.E.V.O.O müügil piiratud koguses. Ärge magage võimalust maha!
73,00 € Teie hind
104,00 € Jaehind
(7,00 cr)
Nõudepesumasinas pesemiseks sobilikud plastist mõõtetopsid, millel on mõõt ml ja tl.
12,00 € Teie hind
12,00 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
Täiesti looduslikud koostisosad tõhusaks biosaadavuseks
56,00 € Teie hind
80,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)
Safrankrookuste emakasuudmetest (affron®), viiest B-grupi vitamiinist, joodist ja C-vitamiinist valmistatud patenditud ekstrakt. Leevendab tavapärast stressi ja tekitab head meeleolu.
29,00 € Teie hind
41,00 € Jaehind
(3,00 cr)
Vitamiin D ja magneesiumi toidulisand
15,00 € Teie hind
21,00 € Jaehind
(1,25 cr)
Xtend+ on täiustatud immuunsüsteemi toetav toidulisand, mis on suurepärane lisand BalanceOil ja ZinoBiotic.
42,00 € Teie hind
60,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Olulised mikro- ja fütotoitained: beetaglükaanid (1,3/1,6), karotenoidid, ksantofüllid, vees ja lipiidides lahustuvad polüfenoolid ning 23 vitamiini ja mineraali. Tänasel päeval saadaval olevatest toidulisanditest üks kvaliteetsemaid.
31,00 € Teie hind
44,00 € Jaehind
(3,00 cr)
Spetsiaalsetest ja standardiseeritud 1,3/1,6 beetaglükaanidest ning taimsest vitamiinist D3 koosnev looduslik toidulisand. Aitab kaasa normaalsele immuunsüsteemile.
43,00 € Teie hind
61,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
ZinoBiotic+ on spetsiaalne kaheksat looduslikku kiudainet sisaldav segu.
31,00 € Teie hind
44,00 € Jaehind
(3,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

1 Zinobiotic+ Portion pack, 15 satchets á 12 g

ZinoBiotic+ on spetsiaalne kaheksat looduslikku kiudainet sisaldav segu.
39,00 € Teie hind
55,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

1 LeanShake, 16x30 g pack

Kõrge vadakuvalgu ja Zinobiotic kiudainete sisaldusega. Sisaldab kollageeni peptiide, MCT rasva, kinoad, ananassi (bromeliin), papaiat (papaiin) ning 25 vitamiini ja mineraali.
53,00 € Teie hind
75,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

1 LeanShake, 16x30 g pack

Kõrge vadakuvalgu ja Zinobiotic kiudainete sisaldusega. Sisaldab kollageeni peptiide, MCT rasva, kinoad, ananassi (bromeliin), papaiat (papaiin) ning 25 vitamiini ja mineraali.
53,00 € Teie hind
75,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

1 LeanShake, 16x30 g pack

Kõrge orgaanilise herne- ja kaeravalgu ning Zinobiotic kiudainete sisaldusega. Sisaldab MCT rasva, kinoad, ananassi (bromeliin), papaiat (papaiin), spinatit, lehtkapsast ning 25 vitamiini ja mineraali.
53,00 € Teie hind
75,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

1 LeanShake, 16x30 g pack

Kõrge orgaanilise herne- ja kaeravalgu ning Zinobiotic kiudainete sisaldusega. Sisaldab MCT rasva, kinoad, ananassi (bromeliin), papaiat (papaiin), spinatit, lehtkapsast ning 25 vitamiini ja mineraali.
53,00 € Teie hind
75,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Valmistatud BFA-vabast plastist, mida võib nõudepesumasinas pesta; lekkimiskindla kaanega. 16 oz (500 ml).
6,00 € Teie hind
6,00 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

1 Energy Bar, 4x40 g pack

Migdały, daktyle, błonnik inulinowy i supernasiona, takie jak chia, komosa ryżowa (quinoa), pestki dyni i nasiona sezamu.
15,00 € Teie hind
21,00 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
Nii meetermõõdustiku kui ka Inglise süsteemi mõõtudega ja BMI kalkulaatoriga.
5,90 € Teie hind
7,00 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
Õrn tasakaalustav puhastusvaht. Puhastav ja niisutav.
43,00 € Teie hind
61,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Õrn tasakaalustav pehmendav vaht. Remineraliseeriv ja niisutav
43,00 € Teie hind
61,00 € Jaehind
(4,00 cr)
Kontsentreeritud kaunistav rakuseerum. Taasaktiveerib, pinguldab ja taastab.
88,00 € Teie hind
125,00 € Jaehind
(8,00 cr)
Mitmefunktsionaalne muundav silmakreem. Sära andev, siluv ja pinguldav.
88,00 € Teie hind
125,00 € Jaehind
(8,00 cr)
Kerge ja siidine elavdav päevakreem. Taastav, tugevdav ja kaitsev.
88,00 € Teie hind
125,00 € Jaehind
(8,00 cr)
Rikkalik ja siidine aktiviseeriv päevakreem. Taastav, tugevdav ja kaitsev.
88,00 € Teie hind
125,00 € Jaehind
(8,00 cr)
Sügavale tungiv mask, mis koosneb 100% looduslikust biolagunevast okaspuidu kiust.
99,00 € Teie hind
141,00 € Jaehind
(9,00 cr)
Siidine kosutav öökreem. Toitev, pinguldav, taastav ja taaselustav.
88,00 € Teie hind
125,00 € Jaehind
(8,00 cr)
Väga aktiivne jahutav mask, mis on täis võimsaid koostisosi.
66,00 € Teie hind
94,00 € Jaehind
(6,00 cr)
Kerge ja värske aktiviseeriv ööpäevaringne kreem. Taastav, tugevdav ja kaitsev.
77,00 € Teie hind
109,00 € Jaehind
(7,00 cr)
24-tunnine Skin Serum näole ja kaelale vähendab peeni joonekesi ja kortse.
58,00 € Teie hind
116,00 € Jaehind
(6,00 cr)
Kofeiinivaba kohv 100% Arabica ubadest. Keskmise kanguse ja aroomiga ning eriti maheda ja nüansirohke maitsega.
15,00 € Teie hind
21,00 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
16x12. Kofeiinivaba kohv 100% Arabica ubadest. Keskmise kanguse ja aroomiga ning eriti maheda ja nüansirohke maitsega.
135,00 € Teie hind
252,00 € Jaehind
(10,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

3 French Espresso 

2 Brazilian Espresso 

2 Colombian Espresso 

2 Italian Espresso 

3 Fairtrade Espresso 

Arabica 20% Robustaga. Sobib suurepäraselt espresso valmistamiseks või kohvijookide põhjaks. Kohvi maitse- ja lõhnaomadused tungivad läbi piima. Roheliste puude noot.
148,00 € Teie hind
276,00 € Jaehind
(10,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

3 French Espresso 

3 Brazilian Espresso 

3 Colombian Espresso 

3 Italian Espresso 

Arabica 20% Robustaga. Sobib suurepäraselt espresso valmistamiseks või kohvijookide põhjaks. Kohvi maitse- ja lõhnaomadused tungivad läbi piima. Roheliste puude noot.
135,00 € Teie hind
252,00 € Jaehind
(10,00 cr)
Hoidke oma masin heas töökorras ja pikendage selle eluiga, kasutades veepuhastusfiltrit, mis filtreerib välja vees leiduvad osakesed ja katlakivi.
27,00 € Teie hind
27,00 € Jaehind
(0,00 cr)
Sidrunhappel põhinev. Eemaldab loodusliku katlakivi, et vältida kaltsiumi sadestumist.
7,30 € Teie hind
7,30 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
Eemaldab loodusliku katlakivi, et vältida kaltsiumi sadestumist.
7,30 € Teie hind
7,30 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
Pöörlev vispel lattevahu tekitamiseks. Kasuta koos Latte Duoga.
1,50 € Teie hind
1,50 € Jaehind
(0,00 cr)
Pöörlev vispel cappuccinovahu tekitamiseks. Kasuta koos Latte Duoga.
1,50 € Teie hind
1,50 € Jaehind
(0,00 cr)
Korduvkasutatav padjake toimib tihendina pruulimisüksuses ja tänu sellel tuleb kuum vesi tassi ning valmib ideaalne Americano.
4,00 € Teie hind
4,00 € Jaehind
(1,00 cr)
Komplekti sisu

6 Espresso Cups

6 Cappuccino Cups

Päevakivi portselan, mida võib pesta nõudepesumasinas.
59,00 € Säästad 66 %
175,00 € Jaehind
(3,00 cr)
6 cl. Päevakivi portselan, mida võib pesta nõudepesumasinas.
37,00 € Teie hind
53,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)
6 cl. Päevakivi portselan, mida võib pesta nõudepesumasinas.
33,00 € Teie hind
47,00 € Jaehind
(5,00 cr)